Quotes and Thoughts Being Used to Shape Me
Well, as you can see I don't tend to use this blog near as much as I once did. Maybe that is about to change though. For a while now I have thought about heading in a new direction (if only temporary) with this blog. Instead of just discussing topics that are running through my mind (which I am sure to continue to do), I would like to bring you quotes that have or are stimulating me. Many of these quotes are thoughts that I continue to wrestle with. Usually these will be quotes that, I believe, are being used by the Spirit to shape me. I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work. With some of these quotes I will probably give my own commentary and others I will simply leave alone. So here goes with quote no. NumBer # 1 oNe:
"In the kingdom of God, we descend into greatness."*To me, this means that the Kingdom of God
What does this quote mean to you?
*(Shane Claiborne & Chris Haw, Jesus for President(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2008), 123.